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A Small School with a Big Heart, guiding our children to become kind and courageous citizens.

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Jordans School

A Small School with a Big Heart, guiding our children to become kind and courageous citizens.

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YR FOXES 2021-2022

Friday 15th July


This week Fox Class have thoroughly enjoyed learning and exploring our theme of Pirates. We had a wonderful Pirate Day where we were able to become explorers and learnt so much about Pirates and carried out many activities that enhanced their learning such as;

- Counting and learning about doubling with Pirate Coins

-Using our fine motor skills by using tweezers to fish out gems from the water

-Creating our very own treasure maps 

-Using various materials by making props to support role play

-Taking part in treasure hunts

-Excelling in our gross motor skills by building our own Pirate ship!

- Discussed how pirates lived and learnt about some famous pirates!

- Drew and labelled our very own pirate pictures. 


Friday 8th July 2022


Fox class has had a fantastic start to the week. During their Forest School session on Monday, the children were very busy working as a team to hunt for different types of seeds. There was also some potion and cake making at the mud kitchen, den building and digging using brand new spades! The children really enjoy circle time during Forest School. They have an opportunity to talk about all the natural objects they have found and enjoy comparing their findings with their friends. We have also introduced our new theme which is Pirates! The children have been extremely excited and have been learning through play by carrying out the following activities;

- Using their fine motor skills to create telescopes

- Exploring with a variety of materials to create eye patches

- Doubling gold coins in Maths

- Using their gross motor skills to create ships and boats using the planks 

- Writing and drawing about famous pirates!


We are very much looking forward to our Pirate Day next week! 



Friday 1st July 2022


This week in Fox class the children had so much fun at Forest School in the rain! Children were making potions and cooking in the mud kitchen. We spoke about different textures of mud and the language that we received from the children was brilliant. It is clear to see that Fox class can articulate their ideas so well and are always engaged in their learning. 

24th June 2022


Fox class have had another brilliant week. We have been learning about measuring weight, creating starfish biscuits and also reading our new book of the week 'A fish with a Wish'. This book has a big focus on how water pollution and how this affects marine life. The children were able to discuss their ideas and thoughts which was really wonderful to see. Mrs Finn taught the children about different kinds of seeds that could be found during our Forest School session. Fox class found many types of seeds and also created delicious mud potions!


Well done Fox Class!

17th June 2022


Fox class has been on quite an adventure this week! We started off by having our first Forest School session on Monday afternoon with Mrs Finn. The children were very busy learning how to keep safe outside and were trying to spot any signs of danger in our outside area. Fox Class were able to articulate their thoughts and ideas on keeping safe outdoors.  On Tuesday went to Bekonscot Villiage which the children thoroughly enjoyed. We learnt so much about the town of Beaconsfield, structures and towns. The miniture funfair was a personal favourite of ours! We even managed to see some tadpoles in the water! There was also a workshop that we attended during our trip. Some of the children got the chance to dress up in clothing from the past and we learnt so much about how people lived in the past. We have also had a busy week building our Aquarium role play area which the children are really excited about. The weather has been extremely hot so we all decided to dip our feet in the water trays in our outdoor area! A truly magical week at Fox Class. 

10th June 2022


It has been wonderful to see all the children back after half term. This final half term is linked to the Topic of Sea Creatures and Pirates. The children have been extremely busy building our very own Aquarium role play in the classroom. They have been developing their fine motor skills by creating paper chains to imitate seaweed! We have also been learning about capacity and developing their mathematical vocabulary. Fox class have also been reading sentences and matching the corresponding pictures linked our Literacy focus. Mrs Swain visited our class this week and opened all the remaining Thank You letters that she had received this week. The children were so excited to talk about what they had written and Mrs Swain was very touched by them. We have also been learning through play by carrying out the following activities;

-Reading and understanding sentences

-Exploring the marine life tuff tray

- Painting marine scenes

-Ordering numbers to 100! Yes 100!

-Using our skills of throwing and running in prep for Sports Day

Friday 27th May 2022


What a fun filled week Foxes have had! Firstly, the children worked tremendously hard on writing their thank you letters to Mrs Swain. The children were excited to learn how to put letters into envelopes, use stamps and understand the concept of addresses and post codes! We then had an exciting opportunity to walk to the local village shop where the children were able to post their letters personally. This gave the children so much pride in their hard work. We are very much looking forward to Mrs Swain's response. Foxes were very lucky to have our local postal worker Dave to come and talk to us about his job. The children were able to discuss and talk about their experiences of the post office and were also lucky enough to wear Dave's post bag! On Thursday, the children were all looking wonderful in their 'Any Decade' clothing. All the children enjoyed the activities that were set for them throughout the day and had a wonderful 'Fish and Chips' lunch followed by cake and squash. It has been a wonderful to see Fox class growing and making so much progress.  We are very much looking forward to a new exciting topic after half term linked to Oceans, Marine life and Pirates!

Friday 20th May 2022


This week Fox Class have been learning about writing letters and postal workers. The children have been applying their phonics skills and have worked really hard at writing letters which they will be posting next week! We also had activities to develop our fine motor skills such as cutting around printed stamps, wrapping pretend parcels and much more! 'Show and Tell' was a big hit this week which usually happens every Monday. Children have the opportunity to talk about something that is precious to them, for example; something that they have recently bought on holiday, presents, postcards, artifacts, pictures etc. some Shapes and patterns have been a big focus over the last few weeks. Fox class have been discussing the properties of shape and have also been learning the names of some 3D shapes too! The children enjoyed working as a team and constructed some wonderful 2D shape images of rockets, trains and so much more! Well done Fox class! 

Friday 13th May 2022


The children are continuing to learn about how people help us and what to do in an emergency. The children have really enjoyed learning about firefighters and how we can keep ourselves safe. We were very fortunate to have Mrs Wilson, a parent of of one of our children, to come and talk to us about their job of a radiographer. Mr Bones paid us a visit with Mrs Wilson and we learnt so much about bones and X ray scans! The children were very excited and were eager to talk about their niggling ailments! We have also been exploring indoors and outdoors by carrying out the following activities;


- Exploring bones and creating a skeleton picture 

- Creating emergency service vehicles using 2D shapes

-Pretending to be firefighters whilst shooting water and learning about numbers

-Building models using 2D magnetic shapes and 3D blocks

-Having a class discussion about the role of a firefighter

-Expressing our thoughts and feelings about what we aspire to be when we grow up

Friday 6th May 2022


Nee out, it is Police week! This week Fox class has been super busy learning about the Police force and how they help us when we need them. Fox class have become masters in performing their duties in our Police station role play area. The Fox team have worked really hard in setting up the following activities and making sure that the children are receiving an enriched curriculum in order to enhance their learning in all areas;


-We drew around a pupil in our lesson and turned the drawing into a police officer! Some children got a chance to label what a police officer might need as part of their uniform!

-Created 'People Who Help Us' puppets.

-Explored patterns through thumb printing (watch out criminals!)

-Had fun working in teams in our very own Jordans Car Wash!

-Our cricketers practiced their rolling and throwing skills in P.E. 

Friday 29th April 2022


What a fantastic start to the term! It has been so wonderful to see all the children back to school happy and healthy. Fox class have been very busy learning about the story of 'Superworm' by Julia Donaldson, which closely links to this half term's topic 'People Who Help Us'. We have been discussing how Superworm helps his friends and how we can help others. Fox class have been learning through play by carrying out the following activities;


-Going on a bug hunt around Jordans school

-Creating models using shapes

-Taking the role of a Police Officer in our new role play area

-Developing our ball skills in P.E

Friday 8th April 2022


What an amazing end to a term! Fox class were absolutely brilliant in their Easter assembly. It was clear to see that they all worked so hard remembering the Easter songs. We are very proud of the children and how much they have achieved this term. This week, we read and learnt about the Easter story and why people celebrate Easter. We also researched how Easter is celebrated throughout the world! The children have been very busy and learning through activities such as;


-Making Easter egg nests and measuring.

-Using a range of materials to design an Easter egg picture.

-Had a class discussion about birds and if we could remember any names.

-Number formation.

-Designing and creating our Easter baskets. 

Friday 1st April 2022


This week in Fox Class we have been learning about Spring. Children have been discussing and consolidating ideas about Spring including animals, weather and plants. Through our topic of Spring we have been learning through play by carrying out specific activities such as; 


-Creating portraits of Spring flowers using paint/colouring pencils

-Planting red cabbage, chickpea and alfalfa seeds

-Spring cleaning our pots and pans 

-Going for a Spring walk through our school grounds

-Exploring and developing our fine motor skills using playdough

-Finding out what is more or fewer than a given number

-Writing captions linked to Spring

Friday 25th March 2022


Another glorious week has flown by in Fox class. What a week we have had! This week we were super lucky with the weather and had an awesome learning experience on our trip at Dragon Eco Farm. We were lucky enough to stroke a guinea pig called Patches and a new born kid goat called Olly! Farmer Phil was very friendly and allowed the children to pet and feed the animals too, which the children thoroughly enjoyed. We also had great fun in and outside class by doing the following; 

-Creating leaflets for Dragon Eco Farm

-Designing Mother's Day Cards (sssh!)

-Hand printing

-Exploring our farm animal tuff tray

-Drawing animals and labelling parts of the body

Friday 18th March 2022


What an amazing week we have had in Reception! Our book of the week 'Mr Gumpy's Outing' was thoroughly enjoyed by Fox class. This was based on farm animals which was our focus this week. We learnt different facts about farm animals and trying to remember the names of their young. We also had an amazing Science day where we all got to go to different year groups to experiment with all sorts of things! In Reception, our experiment was to create our very own lava lamp! We also got busy learning through play by the following activities;


-Learning new hockey skills in P.E including dribbling

-Exploring with magnetic 2D shapes to build models

-Created tractor tracks using paint and in the sand

-Taking part in a class farm animal memory games

-Developing our gross motor skills by making a boat for Mr Gumpy in our outdoor area!

Friday 11th March 2022


Another fantastic week has flown by in Fox class. This week our focus was based on the book 'Dear Zoo' in conjunction with our animal theme! We have been very busy learning through play and carrying out activities such as;


-Role play activities in our new Vet Clinic role play area

-Ordering numbers to 20 and beyond

-Creating animal masks 

-Sequencing pictures 

-Creating dens for animals outside

-Writing animal names

-Using our fine motor skills effectively

-Hockey training during our P.E lessons

Friday 4th March 2022


We have had a brilliant first week back enjoying and getting creative through many celebrations, including learning about our book of the week 'The Gruffalo'. Linked to our topics of the week we have been carrying out many activities such as:

- Pancake making using different malleable materials

-Acting out and enjoying role plays through 'The Gruffalo'

-Using our fine motor skills using the hammer and nail sets

-Creating woodland collages 

-Learning how to to make 10 in different ways

-Enjoying a range of books linked to 'World Book Day'

Friday 18th February

What a wonderful last week before half term.  We consolidated our learning with lots of mastery activities.

-Self-directed Forest School exploring

-Finding Pairs of objects

-Fine Motor Skills practice

-Colour Mixing

-Collage Representations

-Phonics spidergrams

Friday 11th February

We celebrated Chinese New Year as part of our understanding of different cultures.  Fine motor skills were developed with careful colouring, lantern decoration making and tiger puppet fun; We listened carefully to the folk story The Great Race, ordered the animals and then wrote about them; We used our friendship skills to take turns dressing up as a dragon to parade along to traditional Chinese music.

Monday 7th February

Inspired by the book, SUPERWORM, we went on a bug hunt in Forest School this week and made our own wormery.

Friday 4th February

Far Away Places, Forest School, Finding amounts, Phonics, Friendships... It all happened in Foxes this week!

(The children helped to take the photographs.)

Wednesday 19th January

We have been learning all about being safe pedestrians.  Today we walked up to the village shop, remembering the Green Cross Code:




Walking across the roads when it was safe to do so.

Our governor is a volunteer at the community-run shop and helped us as we chose and paid for healthy food to take back to school for tomorrow's snack time.


Friday 14th January

Lots of fun with our learning in Fox Class this week.  From Forest School adventures to learning about our village shop, past and present,  and creating our own!

Friday 7th January 2022

A wonderful first week back!


We have had lots of fun with our new topic: 

Where will we Explore?  ...Near or Far?

Thursday 15th December 2021

We read the Emperor's Egg and learnt lots of facts about penguins. Then we made a Antarctic scene and our own penguins. 

In Maths, we looked at sequencing our days, and looking at 1 more and 1 less. 


Christmas crafts galore using paper plates! Snowmen, Christmas Trees, baubles and tree decorations!

Friday 10th December 2021

A sky full of stars in our Nativity and a fun P.E. session today playing team games and dodgeball.

6th December 2021

A super start to the week, carrying on with our Phase 3 Phonics, ai, ee and igh. We have been practising our play and dance too and started weaving for our Christmas cards.

Friday 3rd December 2021

We enjoyed our indoor team games session from First Touch today, as well as finding out about two more children's treasures! We learnt about Hannukah using a spinner toy and also lots about wildlife and treasures from another children's box. Thank you for bringing these in each week. We really enjoy learning from each other's special treasures. 


In Maths we looked at different ways of making 5, practically and then using a 5s frame, and in Phonics we have looked at the digraphs sh, ch, th and ng this week.

Tuesday 30th November 2021

We had an amazing day on our first trip to Chiltern Open Air Museum, taking part in a "Christmas From the Past" workshop. We made our own Christmas Pudding in a 16th Century Cottage, took part in crafts in the barn and listened to a Victorian story session, looking at old toys.

Friday 26th November 2021

Our P.E. session today was Dodgeball, including throwing the balls at a moving target! We had great fun and listened so carefully too. I am so proud of how the children are getting changed all by themselves too.


In Phonics we learnt the digraph "qu" and also enjoyed starting to make our own "I can..." books, using our Phonics to write captions for actions that we could do. 


We are really enjoying practising our Christmas play too and are looking forward to performing to you all.

Wednesday 24th November 2021


This week we continued with our Phase 3 Phonics, looking at y and z / zz as well as the tricky words "he" and "she." We painted pictures of bears, finding out more facts about them. In Maths we looked at numbers 4 and 5, explaining how we know that it was a 4 or 5 on the 5s frame, as well as sorting collections of objects into a set of 4 or 5. 


Having the pantomime of Cinderella coming to visit was such a treat and we loved singing, clapping and dancing along. 

Friday 19th November 2021

We enjoyed investigating floating and sinking yesterday, making predictions and thinking about why an object might float or sink. We also looked at making and representing 5, and used a 5s Frame, explaining how we knew it showed 5. 


We had fun playing Dodgeball in P.E. and loved looking at books on our Book Bees!

Wednesday 17th November 2021

This week we have started Phase 3 of our Phonics, learning more sounds and using them to continue to read and write captions. 

We are enjoying continuing our work on bears and their habitats and in Maths we are looking at ways of representing 4 and 5, making collections of 4 and 5, but also identifying and explaining why something is not 4 or not 5. 


We also cleaned out our new stick insects and made sure that they were happy, having fresh leaves in their new home and looked at some amazing Red Kites flying overhead which sparked an interest in bird watching. 

Friday 12th November 2021

What a great week we have had! In Maths, we have been continuing with describing, sorting and comparing amounts of triangles and circles, explaining our answers in full sentences. We also looked at the artist  Kadinsky's work and made our own shape pictures. We moved on yesterday to using positional language, such as in, on, in between, behind and  in front to describe where a teddy was hiding. 


In Literacy, we have enjoyed ordering pictures from the story Bear Hunt, as well as retelling and acting out the story. We will also do some hot seating today, asking questions to the bear about what he was thinking and feeling during the story.


Phonics was Phase 2 recap all week, then we will move onto Phase 3 next week.


We started to look at different types of bears, comparing their features, diet and habitats. We will continue this next week. What is your favourite type of bear?


We also thought about Remembrance Day yesterday, reflecting on all the brave people who have kept us safe in the past and still do today. We watched the "Poppies" animation telling the story of war and hope in a very child centred way and printing beautiful poppy paintings, using bottle lids and our fingers.

Monday 8th November 2021

"We are Going on a Bear Hunt" this week by Michael Rosen, so we have enjoyed joining in with the retelling of this. 


In Maths we looked at triangles and circles, sorting them and explaining why they are triangles or circles and why. Are there more triangles or circles? How do you know?


We also looked carefully at different types of real bears and used charcoal to sketch them.


Thursday 4th and Friday 5th November 2021


We have had an exciting few days learning about Bonfire Night and firework safety. We enjoyed making splatter paintings and had a great PE sessions, developing our balance, jumping and coordination skills. 

Wednesday 3rd November 2021

We enjoyed finding out more about diwali today, making clay divas and Rangoli patterns on the playground. 


Also we had great visit from a parent who brought in two chicks for us all to looks at, stroke and ask questions about. We even got to name one using a democratic vote. 


Another kind parent donated us some new stick insects, which we enjoyed finding out about and learning how to care for. We hope our new class pets will be very happy with us!


Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd November 2021

What a couple of busy days back after half term. The children have all settled back so well. We started off our work on Celebrations by reading a story called Little Glow. We then found out more about Diwali and enjoyed having our special visitors telling us the story of Rama and Sita in assembly. We enjoyed drawing around our hands and making Mendi patterns.


In Maths, we have been looking at comparing 1 , 2 and 3 and subitising by playing snap. Subitising is when you are able to look at a group of objects and realise how many there are without counting. This only works with small groups of numbers, usually 5 or fewer. 


We are also excited about our keyword rings, which are going home this week.

Friday 22nd October 2021

We have had a busy week preparing for our Harvest Festival, and I am so proud of all of the children. It is hard to believe that they have only been in school for half a term, as they have settled so well and learnt so much already! 


"U, r and h" were the remaining sounds that we covered this week. In Literacy, following on from our text "The Train Ride," after predicting what might happen next in the story, we used our own writing and mark making to describe what we saw on our imaginary train ride.


In Maths, we continued with 1, 2 and 3, looking at explaining what is 2 and not 2, 3 and not 3. 


We also looked at trains from the past and present and painted pictures of them, noticing the differences.

Monday 18th October 2021


In Phonics today we looked at "e," as well and the tricky words no, go to, the and I.


In Maths we looked at 1, and not 1, making collections of 1, explaining why other numbers of collections are "not 1" and drawing our own  pictures of collections of 1 too.

Friday 15th October 2021


We looked at "ck" in Phonics today and revisited repeating patterns in Maths. After our P.E. session, we also enjoyed listening to two children tell us about their treasure boxes and finished the day with an assembly celebrating our Harvest crafts. 


It was such a privilege to be able to speak to your during our Zoom parents' meetings this week, and thank you all of your amazing support.

Thursday 14th October 2021

In Maths, we looked at identifying mistakes in two step patterns, and correcting them today. Can you spot any mistakes?  How do you know that object shouldn't come next? Using our language and problem solving skills, we explained our answers in full sentences. We used vocabulary such as pattern, before, after and repeating. We also used vegetables and fruit to print a two step pattern.


For English, we ordered pictures from the story Duck in the Truck and worked together in a group, using collaboration skills to do this.


Phonics is "k" today and we looked at the tricky words "no" and "go".

Wednesday 13th October 2021

As well as learning about "c" in Phonics today, we looked at the word "the," putting an action to it to help it stay n our memory.  As part of our work on Autumn, we made our own clay hedgehogs, using our fingers as pincers to make the spines. This also practised the pincer grip needed for writing.


We read Duck in the Truck and made predictions about the story in small groups, and had lots of time for exploring our outdoor environment too. We enjoyed playing in the mud kitchen, using lots of rich language as we "cooked" and had to transport the blue water from the water tray into the trough below without loosing any! Great team work and problem solving skills foxes!

Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th October 2021

We looked at "g" and "o" in Phonics, and enjoyed going into the woods to find objects for our two step repeating patterns. 

Friday 8th October 2021

Another great day today! We had a great day, for our P.E. session we played a great warm up game, running around the circle when our number was called, and then built towers with our partner to then knock over with our football! We finished the session with shooting at the goal.

For Phonics, we recapped the sounds that we have learnt so far, read some CVC words and matched them to pictures and then learnt the word "I".

We finished the day with Maths, reading Dear Zoo, and then talking about which toy animal is best suited the which sized box and why. The snake was long, so it goes in the long box, the dog was big, so it went in the big box and the lizard was small, so it went in the small box.



Thursday 8th October 2021

We looked at shorter (than) / longer (than) in Maths today, using pieces of ribbon. We talked about laying the pieces of ribbon down, making sure and both pieces were at the start line to check it was a fair comparison. Which animal had a shorter distance to run?


In Phonics, "d" today. We practised writing all of the letters that we have covered so far and continued with our blending and segmenting games.  


Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th October 2021


We continued to look at Stone Soup, ordering pictures from the story and talking about which came at the beginning, middle and end of the story. 

In Maths, we looked at comparing the height of towers, using language such as taller, taller than, shorter and shorter than. We started to use 5s frames to show the amounts of cubes in each tower.

We also made some Autumn hedgehog pictures by cutting up leaves to make the spines. 

There was also lots of time for child initiated play, some set up their own classroom and others made a pot for posting pasta through the small hole in the top, a great fine motor activity to encourage the tripod grip!

Monday 5th October 2021

Today we started our work on the book Stone Soup. We made predictions about what could happen next in the story. There are no right or wrong answers, this just helps with imagination and understanding how stories work.


In Maths we looked at matching the big bowls to the big teddies, and the small bowls to the small teddies, then giving them the right amount of pasta! Big teddies like lots of pasta! We then moved on to comparing two amounts of pasta, which bowl had more, which had fewer. We also looked at explaining our answers. How do you know that one has more?


"i" in phonics, we really enjoyed practising writing "i" with black ink!


Friday 1st October 2021


A great start to the day with getting changed for PE inside our own spaced  out hoop again in the hall. The children are getting so independent, and any help practising getting dressed and undressed by themselves at home would be great too.

We enjoyed our warm ups and practised our relay races and kicking skills today, scoring lots of goals in the nets.


As part of our Maths on matching and sorting, we pegged up all of my socks onto a line today in matching pairs, using our funky fingers to work the pegs.


The children are doing so well and must be tired, so have a lovely restful weekend and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday. 

Thursday 30th September 2021

Today in Maths, we drew around different sizes of lids, then put them all back into the middle and tried to match them up to the circles that we had drawn. We then talked about the sizes of the shapes, which one was big, bigger, the biggest, small or the smallest.


In Phonics, we learnt about "p," painting pink pigs, mixing the colours ourselves. We practised forming the letter on our whiteboards, as well as reading and writing some of the words than we can now make with the sounds that we have covered so far, such as at, as, pat, tap and sat.


We also used pastels to draw some of the beautiful findings from our Autumn interest table, using a magnifying glass to look carefully at the detail.

Wednesday 29th September 2021

Today we looked at "t" in phonics and played eye spy, looking for words which start with "t." We also talked about matching pairs in Maths, and what it meant to match, to be the same. We then matched buttons and then thought of other criteria to sort them by, colour, size and shape. 

Tuesday 28th September 2021


Today in phonics we focused on "a," ants on our arm! We enjoyed writing letters in the sand and printed with apples to make beautiful Autumn trees.



Monday 27th September 2021


We thought about the letter "s" today, cutting snake spirals to help our funky fingers and sorting pictures of things that begin with this sound. Can you remember the song about the snake in the grass?


What a beautiful Autumn discovery table, thanks to your wonderful findings!

24th September 2021

We did so well getting changed for P.E. We went into the hall and each had our own hoop, our island to keep our clothes safe from dropping into the water! I am so proud of all the children and with practise they will get even more independent at this.


For P.E. we played Cups and Saucers and Traffic Lights to warm up and then practised our dribbling skills.

Thursday 22nd September 2021

We took turns playing Simon Says and talked about all of our different body parts. 


Wednesday 22nd September 2021

A huge thank you and well done to you, and all your children, for the amazing progress which they have made with how well they come in to school in the mornings. Thank you for taking on board and adopting a quick goodbye ritual and making the separation predictable and safe for them.  


As teachers we are always topping up our professional development, and I was reminded on a course this week, a few things about anxiety, which could be applied to a range of situations, which I thought I would share.


The first reminder was that if we try and take away all the things that our child is finding hard or anxiety provoking we can make the problem worse, we are saying that things are so bad, that I must save you from them, which in turn induces more anxiety. 


A second point is that the aim isn't to get rid of anxiety. We need to work on accepting the anxious feelings, rather than avoiding them. We talk about sitting with feelings, feeling the fear and doing it anyway!


As part of our class practise, we work through this with the children and the children gain a real sense of achievement from working through challenges. 


Tuesday 22nd September 2021

We talked about what makes a house a home and panted pictures of our homes. The children thought of so many heart warming ideas.

"It has a lovely garden and nice friends."

"It's a fun house. A family house."

"When I see my house, it makes me happy."

"Warm, nice and cosy."

"It's a happy house. It has bedrooms where I sleep." 



Monday 20th September 2021

Today we talked about and drew pictures of our families. What a super early Literacy activity! We also had lots of time to explore our own activities too.

Friday 17th September 2021

Genes Day and a great sport session, working on ball skills. We rolled the balls around our body and in a figure of 8, around our feet. Can you practise at home?

Thursday 16th September 2021

We went around the school and woods, going on a listening walk, carefully identifying the different sounds that we could hear.

Wednesday 15th September 2021

We practised our cutting skills today, and cut out bears to order by size. This helps build strong hand and finger muscles for writing.

Tuesday 14th September 2021

We read Kipper's Birthday, talked about when our birthdays are and how we celebrate them. Then we made cards for Kipper!

We used big tweezers during our Funky Fingers today to sort bears by colour, strengthening our finger and arms muscles. We also had lots of time for playing and building new friendships. 

Monday 13th September 2021

To start the week, we painted self portraits, looking in a mirror and mixing our own colours to get the right tones.

Friday 10th September 2021

Another super start to the day! We enjoyed our First Touch sport session, playing Traffic Lights as a warm up, then practising throwing and catching tennis balls by ourselves.


A banana and milk for snack, followed by our playtime with the whole school. We listened to Beetle in the Bathroom and other stories. We are doing so well with our Chatter Books and had lots of exploring time to help make new friends.

Thursday 9th September 2021

Another super day. We enjoyed our favourite Pete the Cat story and song again, as well as Dog's Colourful Day, counting on our fingers,  and another story about keeping clean. We drew a picture of ourselves at school and made a picture using transient art of our faces after looking at them in the mirror. 

Wednesday 8th September 2021

What a wonderful first day. I am so proud of all of the children and how well they have done today. Lots of playing, making new friends and exploring our environment. Our first playtime on the big playground went so well, we loved using the climbing frame! We enjoyed reading and singing Pete the Cat, Rocking in his school shoes together and printed with paint, using our hands. 
