A Small School with a Big Heart, guiding our children to become kind and courageous citizens.
A Small School with a Big Heart, guiding our children to become kind and courageous citizens.
Home PageFriday 13th September 2024
It's been a week full of creativity, brain work and physical exercise. In Maths, we were representing numbers to 100 in different ways. We wrote words, used Base 10 equipment, bead strings, tally marks and counters to show a variety of numbers.
In P.E. we practised our football skills. Here we are dribbling footballs between markers:
Guiseppe Arcimboldo was an Italian artist who created portraits using fruits, vegetables, flowers and fish. Deer Class studied his work and emulated his style with their own collage portraits.
Friday 6th September 2024
The new Deer Class were straight back into their learning with enthusiasm this week! We grew our brains together in Maths by revising numbers to 50: how to write the numerals, the number words and draw pictures. We also practised how to compare numbers using the 'greater than' and 'less than' symbols. The children love that these symbols look like crocodiles!
The children told me all about their summer holidays and then wrote sentences about what they did.
We have started learning how to do joined up handwriting! This is so exciting. By the end of the year we hope that all our writing will be joined.