A Small School with a Big Heart, guiding our children to become kind and courageous citizens.
A Small School with a Big Heart, guiding our children to become kind and courageous citizens.
Home PageWeek beginning 9th September 2024
This has been our first full week back to school and the children have immersed themselves in their Autumn 1 learning! In P.E we practised using equipment safely, we then played a game of 'spaceships' to practise the skill of moving safely and confidently.
In Art we explored mixing primary colours to make secondary colours and in science we tasted a range of foods to explore our sense of taste.. the lemon was very sour!
Week beginning 2nd September 2024
The children have had a brilliant start back at school. They all transitioned in to year 1 so confidently, well done!
This week we have been discussing our learning pathway for the year. We discussed what we would like our destination to be (what we would love to achieve by the end of year 1) and how we can get there.
We have spent time exploring our emotions and which emotions are ideal for key learning to take place, we have been playing games together and practising to be ready, respectful and safe at all times at Jordans School.
In Science we have explored parts of the body and in P.E we are learning to play football.