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A Small School with a Big Heart, guiding our children to become kind and courageous citizens.

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Jordans School

A Small School with a Big Heart, guiding our children to become kind and courageous citizens.

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Y1 OWLS 2024-2025

Week beginning 13th January 2025

This week in Owl class we have been extending our knowledge of shape. We have been identifying 3D shapes in our environment, sorting 2D and 3D shapes and creating patterns using 2D and 3D shapes. In D&T this week, we have started our food technology project on scones. We analysed three different scone recipes and identified similarities and differences in the recipes. In Geography this week we explored facts about the 7 continents of the world. We then used all our knowledge to guess the continent from given clues!

Week beginning 6th January 2025

Happy New Year everyone! It has been a snowy and frosty start to the week! This week in handwriting we have started to look at the 'one armed robot' family of letters, we practised forming the letter k. In maths we have been developing our addition and subtraction skills through finding one more and one less, identifying missing numbers in number sentences and solving word problems. In Art we used the painting 'Surprised' by Henri Rosseau to inspire our creative artwork. 

Week beginning 16th December 2024

It has been our last week of school before the Christmas break and we have been enjoying our book of the week 'The Owl who came for Christmas'. The story is based on the true story of an owl who got trapped in a Christmas tree! We independently created story maps of the events in the story. In Forest school, we used a range of foliage to create Christmas wreaths. We also celebrated Christmas this week by coming in to school in our festive outfits and enjoying a Christmas party picnic! The adults also led festive crafts with the children, such as making gingerbread playdough and homemade Christmas crackers. 

Week beginning 9th December 2024

We have lots of news to share with you this week! This week we performed in the school nativity to many of our adults, we loved signing our songs to you all! Last week we designed our class dip recipe as part of our dip project, this week we used our recipe to prepare our dip. We used scissors to snip the herbs, forks to mash the tomatoes and a spoon to mix the dip together. We then enjoyed our dip later in the day at our Royal Owl's banquet! We had a feast with out dip and breadstick and enjoyed entertainment from the minstrels. 

Week beginning 2nd December 2024

This week in Owl class, the JSA treated the school to a travelling pantomime visit. First the children engaged in a workshop where they all had to learn their part to play in the pantomime. After this, we watched the performance and all our friends staring in the show! In English this week, we have been exploring the poem 'I am a castle'. We looked at the features of the poem and then in small groups, rehearsed a performance of the poem for the class. In forest school, the children have been peeling stick of elder to create knights.

Week beginning 25th November 2024


The highlight of our week has to be our trip to Windsor Castle- we had a brilliant time! We started our day with a workshop all about knights, we impressed our workshop leader with all our knowledge about castles. We took part in dressing up as knights and learning about the life of knight. After lunch, we visited the rooms inside Windsor Castle. We were amazed at the beautiful rooms filled with items such as armour and a throne. We ended our day with visiting Queen Mary's dolls house and watching the soldiers on guard. 

In English this week, we have been busy creating our own dragon hero stories. We all came up with many creative ideas for how a dragon could be a hero. 

Week beginning 18th November 2024

This week in Owl class we had a wonderful time exploring the snow in Forest school! In D&T we practised our mashing skills through using a fork to mash a banana, it was quite tricky! In English, our book of the week was 'The Knight who would not fight'. We created a story map of the story and then became innovators to innovate the story with new mythical creatures. 

Week beginning 11th November 2024

This week in design and technology, Owl class have been tasing and evaluating a range of dips such as guacamole, salsa, raita and houmous. Most of us really enjoyed the texture of the guacamole, the colours of the salsa and the smell of the raita. In Forest school, the children participated in a range of castle themed activities. We had to problem solve when creating our own castles with a moat, portcullis and turrets!  


Week beginning 4th November 2024

This week the children started Forest School, they had a wonderful time in the Bluebell woods exploring a range of tasks based on Diwali. We have introduced the children to our new topic of castles! The children have thoroughly enjoyed exploring castles and learning about the parts of the castle and why they were key in defence. In Computing, we have been using technology to create self portraits. We have had a very busy first week back after half term! 

Week beginning 21st October 2024

This week in Owl class we took a walk down to our Village green to investigate the 'physical features' and 'human features' in Jordans Village. In Maths we have been developing the skill or creating addition number sentences. We have been using the part whole model to find fact families and then systematically create four number sentences based on the fact family. This week we have enjoyed listening to and writing about our book of the week 'This Moose belongs to me!'. 

Week beginning 14th October 2024

This week our book of the week was 'The Perfect fit', which we enjoyed listening to and innovating our story map with different shapes added to the story. In handwriting we practised forming the letter j as part of the long ladder family of letters. In R.E we explored the story of 'The Monkey King' and the meaning behind the story for Buddhists. We are also amazed at how much our class pet stick insects have grown! 

Week beginning 7th October 2024

This week the children have been exploring the history of Jordans School. We found clues hidden around the school about the history of the school and used these to create our own 'History of Jordans School timeline'. In art we studied the Mona Lisa as part of our portraits topic. We created our own versions of the Mona Lisa, paying careful attention to the shapes and colours Leonardo Da Vinci used. In maths we have been exploring 'greater than' and 'less than' in a variety ways, using number lines, numicon, numerals and groups of objects. We have loved reading Simon Sock this week and used our imagination to create our own sock characters to innovate the story. 

Week beginning 30th September 2024

We have had a very exciting week in Owl class! This week we went on a visit to Jordans Village green to investigate the history of Jordans Village. Around the green, we hunted for facts about Jordans village and looked for historical clues in the village. In Art, we learnt the skill of using watercolours, we also looked at watercolour artwork from the artist Paul Klee. In maths, we practised finding one less.

Week beginning 23rd September 2024

This week we were extremely excited to welcome our new class pets, Rocket and Groot the stick insects! This will support our understanding in our R.E topic of 'caring for others'. We learnt how to take care of stick insects and decided on ways we can keep them healthy and safe. This week in maths, we practised finding one more in maths in a variety of ways. In Literacy we looked at the non fiction text 'All about families' and created family trees. 

Week beginning 16th September 2024


We have had a very busy week this week! In history we have explored the history of ourselves. The children created a timeline of the key events from their lives, they enjoyed sharing their timeline with their friends and discussing key moments from their lives. In art we developed our skills of drawing self portraits, we were very proud of our drawing skills. In English our book of the week was 'The girl who thought in pictures', the children were fascinated to hear about the life of Dr Temple Grandin.

Week beginning 9th September 2024

This has been our first full week back to school and the children have immersed themselves in their Autumn 1 learning! In P.E we practised using equipment safely, we then played a game of 'spaceships' to practise the skill of moving safely and confidently. 

In Art we explored mixing primary colours to make secondary colours and in science we tasted a range of foods to explore our sense of taste.. the lemon was very sour!

Week beginning 2nd September 2024

The children have had a brilliant start back at school. They all transitioned in to year 1 so confidently, well done! 

This week we have been discussing our learning pathway for the year. We discussed what we would like our destination to be (what we would love to achieve by the end of year 1) and how we can get there. 

We have spent time exploring our emotions and which emotions are ideal for key learning to take place, we have been playing games together and practising to be ready, respectful and safe at all times at Jordans School. 

In Science we have explored parts of the body and in P.E we are learning to play football. 
